Privacy Policy

This Mobile Application End User Contract ARTICLE 1- PARTIES This Contract and its supplements (Annex-1 Confidentiality Agreement) have entered into force with the user of My mobile applications mutually agreeing to the terms of this contract. ARTICLE 2- DEFINITIONS 2.1. Application: My name is Mobile App, which means all the virtual reality applications that mobile application software running on all mobile devices and the products and services created in connection with this software are offered. (Hereinafter referred to as "Implementation") 2.2. User: means the person who benefited from the services offered by This from the application under the terms specified in the contract. 2.3 Access to the System: means the information of the user's account such as the user's name, password, code, password which gives access to the application, management page of the user's account only 2.4 Information Channels: Instant notification, e. 2.5 message: means the messages that I have sent to the users by This for the purpose of marketing, researching, informing, etc. to the users of This. 2.6 User Account Management Page: This refers to the user-specific web page (hereinafter referred to simply as the "Portal") for the user's activities and transactions related to his / her membership using the system access tools only. ARTICLE 3- SUBJECT AND SCOPE 3.1. The subject of this contract; It is the determination of all the products and services that are available in the application for the user and which will be presented by This in the future, the conditions for benefiting from these products and services, and the rights and obligations of the parties. 3.2. By accepting the provisions of this Agreement, the User agrees to any declarations made by This regarding the use, membership and services in the Application and Portal. The user accepts, declares and undertakes that he will act in accordance with all the matters mentioned in the declarations. ARTICLE 4- APPLICATION TERMS 4.1. Applicants who are not authorized to represent a legal person and who are not authorized to resign shall not be entitled to the rights of the "User" even if they have completed their registration procedures for minors or legal entities. Otherwise the demands and transactions are not in the responsibility of 4.2. My may unilaterally terminate this Agreement at any time, without any notice, without any notice, and without any obligation to pay any compensation, and may terminate the User's use of this Application from time to time. ARTICLE 5- MUTUAL RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES 5.1. User Rights and Obligations: A) that the user will act in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as set forth in the This web site, while performing user procedures, while using the products or services in the application and performing any transaction related to the products or services in the application, Understands and acknowledges that all terms and conditions set forth in the contract are read, understood and approved. B) The User shall be entitled to disclose to the public authorities the information acquired by the User belonging to the User if such information is requested by the official authorities in the case where the User is obliged to make an explanation to the official authorities in accordance with the legislation of the User, He / she shall be entitled to compensation. C) The User acknowledges that This is entitled to disclose the commercial information of the User to the business partners for whom the Company has entered into agreements for and / or for the performance of the products and services of this Contract, and for this reason, It will not be able to claim damages under any name. D) The User is obliged to keep the System Access Tools (user name, password, code, etc.) used to access the Application as confidential. The right to use the Access Tools to the System exclusively belongs to the User. The user will not disclose the employment information to third parties. The User is fully responsible for the consequences of the use of Access to the System by a third party. This is not obliged to identify the identities of persons who make such improper uses. Without prejudice to the above provisions, the user acknowledges, declares and undertakes that the use of this information by a third party is his / her own responsibility and that the transactions performed by the use of this information are binding. If the user learns that his / her password has been acquired by someone else, inform him immediately